10 min czytania 16 July 2023

Job satisfaction – what influences it?

Job satisfaction is a key factor in our working lives. What elements influence job satisfaction? Is job satisfaction more valuable to us than salary? How satisfied are employees in Poland with their jobs? We invite you to read the following article, in which we look at various factors such as the atmosphere in the workplace, opportunities for development, remuneration, work-life balance and the meaning and purpose of work.

job satisfaction


Definition of job satisfaction

Satisfaction is the emotional state and positive feeling that results from achieving satisfaction with something, satisfying a need or achieving an intended goal. In the context of work, satisfaction refers to the feelings of contentment, fulfilment and satisfaction experienced in relation to one’s job duties. It includes feelings of recognition, satisfaction with the achievement of goals, satisfaction with the atmosphere in the workplace, and satisfaction with earning and development needs. Job satisfaction is an important part of our emotional wellbeing and can affect our overall quality of life.

What influences job satisfaction the most?

Job satisfaction can be the result of a number of factors that vary from individual to individual and from context to context. Determinants of job satisfaction:

  • Organisational factors – mainly related to the organisation of work and the rules of operation of enterprises. Organisational factors include: amount of pay, opportunities for career development, company policies, type of duties performed, sense of security, what opportunities the company provides.
  • Personal factors – job satisfaction mainly depends on the attitude of the employee. Personal factors include: age, experience gained, gender, social status, personality, character.
  • Social factors – work environment often has an impact on job satisfaction. Social factors include: the company’s organisational culture, work atmosphere, relations with superiors and colleagues, mutual respect.

What else affects job satisfaction?

  • workplace conditions
  • management methods
  • Belongingness and self-fulfilment
  • sense of success
  • sense of satisfaction
  • fair pay/ high wages

How can job satisfaction be improved?

Raising job satisfaction can be an individual process that requires action by both the employee and the employer. How do you increase job satisfaction?

  • Identify the factors that affect your satisfaction – think about what exactly makes you feel less satisfied at work. Is it due to lack of challenge, poor management, lack of professional development or other factors? Being aware of these factors will help you to focus on appropriate areas of improvement.
  • Set goals and career objectives – identify what goals you want to achieve in your career and in the workplace. Clearly defined goals can give you a sense of direction and motivation to take action. Make sure your goals are realistic and measurable so you can track your progress.
  • Professional development and training – invest in your professional development by attending training, courses, conferences and workshops. Developing your skills and gaining new knowledge can not only improve your competence, but also increase your sense of job satisfaction by growing and succeeding.
  • Communication and relationships – build positive relationships with colleagues, supervisors and others in the workplace. A good rapport with others can contribute to your wellbeing and increase job satisfaction. Be open to collaboration, provide support to others and engage in constructive communication.
  • Work life balance – work life balance is very important. Ensure you make time for relaxation, hobbies, family and friends. Work-life balance can reduce stress and increase satisfaction with life as a whole.
  • Suggest changes to your organisation – if there are specific aspects of work that are negatively affecting your satisfaction, consider making suggestions for changes or improvements to your organisation. This could include suggestions for improving communication, training, working time flexibility or other areas that affect your experience in the workplace.
  • Find meaning and significance in what you do – think about how your work affects other people or society as a whole. Often finding meaning and significance in what you do can contribute to greater satisfaction. Find ways to connect your goals and values with your work responsibilities.

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job satisfaction

How do you build employee engagement?

Building employee satisfaction is a key element in maintaining a positive and productive working environment. How do you build job satisfaction in your company?

Equal treatment

  • Apply principles of fairness and equality – ensure that all employees are treated with respect and fairness, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, age or other factors. Create equal treatment policies and promote diversity in the workplace.
  • Fair pay and promotions – ensure fair and adequate remuneration that reflects employees’ competence and contribution. Conduct regular pay and promotion reviews to identify employees deserving of rewards and promotions.

Introduce employee benefits

  • Healthcare – offer beneficial healthcare plans that provide employees with access to comprehensive healthcare. Provide health insurance and preventive programmes to help employees look after their health and wellbeing.
  • Subsidised holidays – from time to time, you can gift a voucher to use for a spa or swimming pool with the family. Also popular are the so-called “Wczasy pod Gruszą” (Holidays under a bushel), which, although they functioned mainly in communist Poland, more and more companies still offer this form of financial support to employees.
  • Subsidised training and development – provide employees with the opportunity to continue their education and professional development. Subsidised training, courses and development programmes will help employees develop their skills and acquire new knowledge.

Team atmosphere and team integration

  • Build trust and open communication – create an atmosphere of mutual trust and open communication within the team. Encourage the sharing of ideas, concerns and opinions. Create a climate where everyone feels free to express their opinions. Organise team-building events where your whole team can get to know each other. Remember that a work atmosphere promotes better collaboration!
    Show satisfaction with your team
  • Celebrating successes and praise are very important for building employee engagement and job satisfaction. Employees are made to feel appreciated.

Why is job satisfaction important?

Job satisfaction is important for the level of satisfaction with the duties performed. Without it, employees struggle to remain productive and efficient. Higher levels of satisfaction influence their ability to progress faster. Employees are more confident, have a greater sense of self-worth and, consequently, are not afraid of new challenges and are more likely to take risks. Job satisfaction in the workplace is so important that it needs to be nurtured all the time. It is an ongoing process that needs to be studied and learned from. A lack of job satisfaction can affect a company very negatively. It can affect performance and finances. Low satisfaction can also affect employees’ lack of desire to work, low productivity and even burnout. They may feel physically and emotionally exhausted to the point where they eventually decide to leave their job.

Can job satisfaction be more valuable than money?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Each of us is different, and so the motivator for each of us may be different things. However, it is important to bear in mind that without satisfaction and motivation, we may find it hard to work. First of all, you need to have the desire to work in order to be able to earn money. It is therefore worth paying close attention to this. A lack of job satisfaction can contribute to many negative consequences. It can affect bad moods, cause stress or procrastination. On the other hand, one of the reasons for low job satisfaction is low pay, which makes us feel that what we are doing is pointless if we are not paid properly for it. Everyone wants to feel important, and money is a kind of reward for what we do. So it is worth giving importance to these two things, as they are often dependent on each other.

Read also: What is interpersonal communication?

job satisfaction

Why is an employee satisfaction survey important?

An employee satisfaction survey within a team is very important and should be carried out systematically. If you want employees to feel satisfied with the company, you have to motivate them to work and give a lot of yourself. It does not always have to be money, sometimes simple praise is enough. In order to take care of the level of professional satisfaction of employees, it is worth conducting satisfaction surveys. They should take place periodically, e.g. every six months. The survey itself does not mean anything, the most important thing is to draw conclusions from it and to plan actions so that the next survey records an increase in job satisfaction. What can help with a job satisfaction survey?

  • A questionnaire to measure job satisfaction – an employee satisfaction survey is the quickest and most effective idea. It needs to be prepared in the right way. It is advisable to ask semi-open questions in it, which will concern development, relations with superiors and atmosphere at work.
    It is worth conducting surveys because they provide a perspective on where employee satisfaction stands and help to make changes and improvements to the company’s organisation.

Job satisfaction is very important for both employees and the employer. Superiors and colleagues in the workplace should have a good relationship so that the whole organisation can function properly. The degree of job satisfaction in a company can be individual, but it is often influenced by internal factors such as management, work atmosphere, workplace conditions and the environment around you. It is worthwhile to carry out company satisfaction surveys from time to time to help build job satisfaction within the team. For a job satisfaction survey, try a satisfaction survey questionnaire to help you keep it at the right level.
