Job in Poland


Szymanów (Wrocław) Additional work 4 months ago


Konstantynów Łódzki 4 months ago


Wodzisław Śląski Additional work 4 months ago

Don't see a job for yourself? Apply, and we will find job opportunities for you!


Kraków Additional work 4 months ago

Job in Poland

4 months ago

Szymanów (Wrocław)

4 months ago

Konstantynów Łódzki

4 months ago

Wodzisław Śląski

4 months ago


4 months ago

Kowale (near Gdańsk)

4 months ago


4 months ago


4 months ago


4 months ago


praca dla obcokrajowców


More and more foreigners are looking for job in Poland. This trend is maintaining an upward trend. Over the years, Poland has become more open to people from abroad. As a society, we are beginning to understand that foreign workers are not our competition. There is no shortage of jobs in Poland, but there is a shortage of workers. Foreigners fill in the gaps in the labour force, enabling many enterprises to operate.

It is not uncommon to feel uneasy about going abroad. Whether we are going on holiday or planning to emigrate for work, we are worried about the same things. We are afraid of the inconveniences related to the lack of knowledge of the language, culture and people. For many of us, missing our loved ones can be difficult. We feel lonely and overwhelmed.


Our recruitment agency understands these concerns perfectly. We have been dealing with the employment of foreigners for years. Guided by the experience we have gained, we do our best not to add to your worries. We can offer you legal and safe work in Poland and assistance in finding accommodation. By applying for our job offers, we guarantee that the conditions specified in them will not change.

Our agency has a wide offer of work for foreigners. We help to find a job, we provide accommodation and we offer the care of coordinators. Many foreigners who want to legalise their stay, come to Poland for work. This is possible only if the foreigner’s stay in Poland is legal. If you are interested in job in Poland, you have come to the right place. As an agency, we provide professional support. We encourage all foreigners to contact us. We offer our help in finding a dream job. Legal, well-paid employment is a chance for your development and prosperous life.

When you choose Eurocadra, you choose a team of specialists willing to help. We want you to feel good while using our services!


Would you like to work in Poland? Don't know where to start?

Check the information of the employment agency for foreign candidates. You will find out more about working in Poland.

An employment agency is an intermediary between employers and jobseekers. It specialises in the recruitment and employment of temporary and permanent workers. It can also offer other services such as employment legalisation, career counselling, HR and payroll services or training. Our employment agency supports foreign workers, helps them to get employment, accommodation and legalise their stay.

Temporary work is a type of employment in which an employee is employed for a specific period of time. It can be casual work, seasonal work or work for a longer period of time. Temporary work can be carried out on the basis of a temporary employment contract or a contract of mandate.

The employment process at our employment agency usually consists of several steps. First, the candidate applies or registers with the agency. This is followed by a short interview regarding the preferences, experience and skills of the person willing to work.

In the next stage, we present job offers, taking into account the individual profile of the candidate and the conditions of employment. Once an offer is accepted, the candidate proceeds to the employment process, which includes the preparation of the necessary documents, the signing of a contract and health and safety training.

Further stages of the process may vary depending on the specific job offer, medical examinations or additional training may be performed.

An employment agency cannot take a commission from an employee’s salary. Polish law prohibits the collection of commissions from employees. Our company operates 100% legally, so there are no hidden fees. However, the employment agency may charge fees regarding the legalisation of employment and the documents collected.

The temporary worker’s salary is paid by the employment agency. It is with this agency that the worker signs the contract, so the employment agency becomes the worker’s main employer.

Praca tymczasowa, z uwagi na jej charakter posiada odrębne przepisy. Umowa dotycząca pracy tymczasowej musi być ograniczona czasowo i nie może być zawarta na czas nieokreślony. Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami agencja pracy może skierować pracownika do wykonywania pracy tymczasowej na rzecz jednego pracodawcy przez okres nieprzekraczający 18 miesięcy w okresie obejmującym 36 kolejnych miesięcy. Okres pracy tymczasowej nie może być więc dłuższy niż półtora roku. Dotyczy to osób zatrudnionych tylko na podstawie umowy o pracę tymczasową.

We provide employment in various fields. Mainly, we offer warehouse work and production work, but job offers can also apply to other areas.

No, unfortunately, our company does not pay out weekly payments.

The gross rate is the rate before deducting deductions such as taxes, social security contributions or other employment-related costs. The net rate is the amount the employee receives on hand, i.e. after all deductions have been subtracted.

Yes, our employment agency helps to find suitable accommodation for our employees. We offer various options to choose from. Our team is here to help you find the right place to live, providing support and advice throughout the search process.

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