10 min czytania 28 February 2024

Working in Poland – why is it worth it?

Do you want to work in Poland, but are hesitant about whether it will be the right decision? Poland is a dynamically developing country that offers many career opportunities. Why is working in Poland worthwhile? How do you find a job in Poland? Who is now the most sought-after to work in Poland?

working in poland

The labour market in Poland

In recent years, Poland has become an attractive destination for foreign investors, which has contributed to an increase in the number of job offers in various sectors of the economy.

One of the key sectors on the Polish labour market is the service sector, including IT, finance, business services and high-tech. Poland has gained a reputation as an important centre for IT and technology, attracting many specialists from around the world.

The manufacturing sector is also important for the Polish economy, especially in areas such as the automotive, electronics, chemical and food industries. The same is true of the logistics and warehousing industry. There are many job offers in our country for warehouse work as a warehouseman or forklift operator. Poland is also appreciated for its competence in business process outsourcing and consulting services.

It is also worth noting that the healthcare and education sectors are constantly expanding, creating new employment opportunities for those with the right qualifications.

Unemployment rate in Poland

The Polish labour market is dynamic and diverse and continues to grow in comparison to other European countries. It offers a range of professional opportunities for both locals and foreigners. According to data from the Central Statistical Office, 2023 saw the record lowest unemployment rate in Poland’s 21st century history. It amounted to 5%. In January 2024, the unemployment rate increased and stands at 5.4%. This is still a good result.

According to Eurostat, Poland is the country with one of the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union. Our country ranks second among EU countries in this respect, just after Malta. According to the latest data published on 1 February 2024, the unemployment rate in December 2023 was only 2.7% (calculated according to the definition adopted by Eurostat). Compared to the average for the European Union (5.9%) and the euro area (6.4%), Poland looks significantly better. These statistics not only confirm the stability of the labour market in Poland, but also testify to the positive trends in employment and economic activity in our country.

Read also: Work for foreigners in Poland – what are the prospects?

working in poland

Minimum wage in Poland 2024

The minimum wage in Poland is being increased every year. In 2024, it will be increased as much as twice. From 1 January it is PLN 4242 gross and from 1 July it will be PLN 4300 gross. The hourly rate is PLN 27.70 gross and will later increase to PLN 28.10 gross.

Work in Poland for foreigners

In recent years, many foreigners have come to Poland for employment. The number of foreigners registered in Poland was 1,127,744 at the end of 2023. Within one year, the number of people registered in the ZUS system increased by 64,483, an increase of 6.1 per cent. In recent years, the largest number of foreigners coming to Poland has been the nation of Ukrainians, but last year it was reported that the number of Belarusians increased by as much as 20%.

What other nations are coming to Poland? In addition to the foreigners mentioned above, there are also many people from Georgia, Moldova and Asia, South America or Africa. They are mainly from India, Colombia, Nepal, the Philippines, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, Romania, Vietnam, Turkey, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and Peru.

Deficit occupations in Poland – who is in short supply?

According to the Occupations Barometer, the following occupations will be in short supply in 2024:

  • Carpenters, roofers, bricklayers, plasterers, welders, locksmiths, construction workers
  • Electricians, electromechanics and electrical fitters
  • Bus drivers, truck and tractor drivers
  • Cooks
  • Doctors, physiotherapists and masseurs, Care workers for the elderly or disabled, Nurses and midwives
  • Warehousemen
  • Vehicle mechanics
  • Building fitters
  • Teachers of practical vocational training, teachers of general subjects, vocational subjects, kindergarten, special schools and integrated classes
  • Earth-moving equipment operators and mechanics, machine tool operators
  • Accounting and bookkeeping clerks, independent accountants
  • Building and construction finishers
  • Uniformed services workers
  • Psychologists and psychotherapists
working in poland

Working in Poland – why is it worth it?

Poland is a beautiful country with a rich history and beautiful places, which is also becoming an attractive place to work. Poland is a fast-growing economy that creates attractive employment opportunities for foreigners. Why is it worth working in Poland?

  • Location – Poland is a country located in the centre of Europe. There is a network of modern highways and railways throughout the country, ensuring efficient communication and fast movement between the various cities of Poland.
  • Healthcare – the Polish healthcare system provides medical care for working people. Every employee has the opportunity to receive free medical assistance.
  • Work without language – many job offers can be found in Poland, in which knowledge of the Polish language is not required.
  • Working hours in Poland – according to the labour law, working hours in Poland are 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day. Weekly overtime cannot exceed 48 hours per week or 150 hours per year.
  • Holiday – a person working under a contract of employment has 20 or 26 days of paid holiday per year. The length of the leave depends on the length of service. If more than 10 years of service have been worked, he/she is entitled to 26 days of leave (in the case of a full-time job)
  • Sick leave – an employee with an employment contract can be paid (usually 80% of salary) in case of illness. It is then necessary to go to a doctor to obtain sick leave.
  • Low unemployment – Poland has a relatively low unemployment rate compared to other EU countries, which means a better chance of finding a job.
  • Culture and heritage – Poland is a country rich in history, culture and heritage, which means that life in Poland can be fascinating and inspiring both professionally and personally.
  • Excellent conditions for professional development – There are many opportunities for professional development in Poland, including training programmes, specialised courses and opportunities for promotion in many industries. The country is also open to students from other parts of the world. Employers are happy to accept international students into their workplaces, giving them casual work, side jobs or temporary work.
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How do you find a job in Poland?

Finding a job in Poland can be an easy task, but you need to prepare for it properly. How do you find suitable jobs?

  • Job portals – if you want to take up a job in Poland, you can look for it on special job portals. There you will find many job advertisements for both Poles and foreigners.
  • On social media – you can look for attractive job offers on special thematic groups. There are many groups for foreigners where you can find a new job in Poland. Just type in the search engine on Facebook: Work in Warszawa, Work in Kraków, Work in Katowice, Work in Łódź in the language you speak and many job advertisements will surely pop up.
  • Job centres – people looking for a job in Poland can go to the job centre in the city where they live or want to live. The employment office has many attractive job offers that will be a good start for foreigners.
  • Employment agency – this is the fastest way to find a job in Poland, even if you do not live there yet. Foreigners often look for institutions that can help them find a job quickly. Employment agencies often provide accommodation, medical care, help with legalising their stay and completing all formalities.

Job offers in Poland

Do you need a change of job? Do you want to work in Poland?

We are an employment agency with over 10 years of experience in recruitment. We take care of the employment conditions of our employees, pay attention to the condition of the labour market and try to match our job offers to the individual needs of each job seeker. We mainly need manual workers, including warehouse workers as well as production workers, but there are also other job offers.

Check our current job offers or contact us, we will be happy to help you find a job, accommodation and legalise your stay in Poland!
